War in Twitter: Ukraine attacks Russia with memes

The Russia and Ukraine situation is getting messier day by day. Till now Ukraine has suffered a lot in this Ongoing war and Russia has used different plans to attack brutally and make Ukraine surrender to them. It has lost millions of people in this war. Russia may be greater when compared to Ukraine in military power, aircraft, flying bombs etc., but With the presence of social media, Ukraine is attacking Russia with memes that can make you Understand Ukraine’s pain.
This is the Twitter page named Ukrainian Memes Forces(uamemesforces). It was created in February 2022 and has followers around 66,100 followers and 1 following. It is specially created to attack Russia a
Have a look at those memes.
— Ukrainian Memes Forces (@uamemesforces) March 12, 2022
This meme shows the hate for the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and the great love people have for Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky. Of course, In this war Ukraine has more support than Putin.
— Ukrainian Memes Forces (@uamemesforces) March 12, 2022
Russia is being banned by most of the countries for invading their Peaceful neighbour Ukraine and America has already banned them from importing oil and many company branches in Russia are closed. This made them weaker in the company. This meme tells that Russia is Genius as they made this wonderful plan of Invading them.
— Ukrainian Memes Forces (@uamemesforces) March 11, 2022
— Ukrainian Memes Forces (@uamemesforces) March 11, 2022