Opinion: I bought YouTube views

I’m a musician and before I found QQTube I was struggling to gain the exposure that I needed to help boost my career. It’s really difficult for independent musicians and artists to gain the type of exposure and earn the engagement that platforms like YouTube want in order to work well with their algorithms. If you don’t reach a certain number of viewers or subscribers, you might as well not exist in YouTube’s eyes because your videos will struggle to appear in the search results. But after using QQTube’s services I don’t have to worry about how to get YouTube subscribers or if a YouTube video will receive enough views this week because it’s all done for me. The great thing is that if you buy views, or likes, or subscribers, the more you have the more you usually will gain organically because people tend to click and watch videos that are already popular. So when I buy viewers for a newly released music video, it helps it gain organic views immediately because it already appears to be super popular.
Buying views on QQTube
Buying views on YouTube has allowed me to focus more on the quality of the content that I’m creating, and on honing my craft as a professional musician, rather than having to worry about making trendy content that panders to youTube’s algorithm. I can’t tell you how big a relief it is not to have to scramble to share my videos with every family member I have just so I can gain like ten views. When I found QQTube and started buying views from them, my videos started looking more professional because there was a consistent amount of views, likes, and comments. Honestly, the custom comments service in particular has been a lifesaver because I can build up hype for new releases using specific keywords, which in turn helps my videos to rank higher. You can submit custom comments in different languages too, which is amazing if you have a global audience like I do, or if your target audience doesn’t speak English which is usually the default language from other sites that offer YouTube comments services.
Free YouTube Subscribers
They also have a great offer of free subscribers for YouTube, but you don’t have to pick subscribers. I think they also have free likes and views if that’s more what you need. Basically you follow them on Twitter, copy/paste your channel URL, and then your free order is placed and it starts delivering almost immediately. I got all of my free subscribers in like a day I think, but some of their services deliver faster or slower if that’s what you prefer. They put the delivery speed in the title of the service and in the description so that you know what you’re getting and how long you should wait, which helps you time things out if you’re buying views and likes and comments, so you know how to keep things looking as natural as possible. Just keep in mind that you can only pick one free service, not all of them. But honestly just one is plenty to get you started, once I got the free subscribers I noticed that my channel was already doing better so I started buying more on a regular basis to keep things consistent and it’s made a huge difference in just the last six months.
So definitely check out QQTube if you want the most YouTube views without having to constantly share your videos or hire someone to hype up your content for you, I’m living proof that it can change your life.