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Adidas selling fake Nike shoes, Nokia Marketing Head shocked

In a post shared by Nokia’s Marketing Head Rachna Lather which stated Shockingly @adidas has now resorted to selling duplicate #Nike shoes to survive in d super competitive Indian mkt thru

@amazonIN And to top it off, #AmazonIndia treated this #Adidas Loyalist as the perpetrator of this piracy & fraud & not the seller.

Recently several such news broke out where some users received dish wash bars and some received iPhone 14 instead of iPhone 13. However, this time it is the marketing head of Nokia’s Indian division who showed her displeasure with Amazon and Adidas for sending her shoes to a rival brand that is Nike.

In the post shared we can see the company that shipped the product to her. The name of the company is Cocublu Retail Limited and is located in Gurugram India. Rachna also shared a pic of the shoes that she had received from Amazon.

However, Flipkart has recently added this feature in which the user can open the package and check if all items are clear. According to Flipkart’s new policy, a customer is not required to pay until he or she has checked the product. However, this is only valid for products that are on cash on delivery.

So according to the post shared by Rachna, it’s not that great a sale from Amazon.



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