Who is Squad303 that is attacking Russia with Text Messages

There have been many people who have come in support of Ukraine. Some are trying to help with humanitarian support like food and supplies. While some are trying to reach the Russian people to inform what their president is trying to do in Ukraine. Many Hacktivist groups have since emerged and one of them is Squad303.
Who is Squad303?
Squad303 has emerged on both Twitter and Telegram messaging apps. They have released a video in which they have a clear message to Russian President Putin. In the video, they said the Russian nation has to pay a big price because of what Putin is doing in Ukraine. They further said that the joint action of the free world, as a response to Russian aggression will lead to the collapse of the country.
In the video they further said nearly 150 million Russians don’t know the truth about this war. They have said that they have been served with the lies of kremlin propaganda. They also said that there is no free media in Russia anymore.
Squad303 has developed a tool through which people can send messages to Russian people to let them know about the current situation.
What is the Squad303 text tool and how to use it?
You have to first visit this website 1920.in. This website has been booked with the Indian extension .in. Now after visiting the website you will a phone number and a text message that you can copy. Now after you have copied the text and the message you can then send it from your phone. There is also a refresh button that will help you to get new numbers on which you can send more messages.