Microsoft Opens Bing Chat For Everyone Worldwide Starting From Today: Here’s More About it
Microsoft had incorporated AI functions into its various services a few months back and had introduced an all-new AI-powered Bing Chat with improved capabilities. Now the American tech giant has opened the new Bing Chat to everyone around the world.
Want to know what you are being offered in the new Bing Chat? Read about it below.
Bing Chat is Now Available to All!
Bing Chat is now available for “Open Preview” and everyone across the world can now start enjoying more AI-powered services from it.
Here’s what you are being offered,
With the all-new Bing Chat, users will start receiving more visual forms of answers including charts, graphs, and other data images. As visual answers are more comprehensible than answers in text, Bing Chat will now be able to answer its user’s questions in a more crisp and clear manner.
Microsoft had also integrated Bing Image Creator into Bing Chat, making it the only search engine which can generate both visual and written content. Now the company has also expanded its Image Creator to more Bing languages, enabling its users to create images in their own native languages. The company is also trying to expand its multi-modal capabilities, with which its users will be able to upload images and receive results about or related to them.
Two of the most requested features from the side of its users were access to chat history and the feature to export or share the chats. Microsoft has promised both these features to come on Bing Chat very soon.
Apart from those two, Microsoft has also announced that it will also be providing its users with an improved summarization feature allowing its users to get the main idea from long documents or website reports much more easily. For developers, the tech giant will also be offering third-party plug-ins as well, through which the company hopes to bring more added advantages and easiness for its users by assisting them through other third-party services to fulfill their daily tasks or work.
Check out the new AI-powered Bing Chat to experience these features yourself.
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