Army asks its troops to remove Facebook, Instagram accounts by July 15

The 13-lakh solid Army has guided every one of its officials and troopers to erase their Facebook and Instagram accounts just as 89 applications from their cell phones by July 15.
Refering to security contemplations and spillage of delicate information, the Army said the individuals who don’t follow the request will confront severe activity. The prohibited applications incorporate the 59 ones with Chinese connections, including TikTok, which were restricted by the Union government as of late.
“The order has been given on the grounds that there has been an exponential increment in the quantity of military staff being focused on online by insight offices of Pakistan and China,” said an official.
The Army in November a year ago had additionally guided its staff to keep away from the utilization of WhatsApp for legitimate work, while asking officials holding “delicate arrangements” to erase their Facebook accounts.
There have been numerous cases in the course of the last two-three years where Pakistani specialists acting like ladies have “for all intents and purposes” nectar caught Indian military work force into unveiling characterized data, with even a Group Captain posted at the IAF home office in New Delhi falling prey to it in 2018.
The new Army order, taken to guarantee the security of arranged data in the bigger national intrigue, comes after the Navy additionally restricted the utilization of Facebook for all its workforce, while likewise guiding them not to convey shrewd cell phones into bases and dockyards just as ready warships, in December a year ago.