Robot Dunyasha at the Perm’s Airport! Checkout now!
A Robot cashier named Dunyasha will now be working in the Perm’s Airport

A model-looking robot cashier ‘Dunyasha’ will now be working at the Perm’s Airport where visitors will be served by her.
Initially, this Robo Barmaid was used in the cybercafe in Perm and now, it will also work in the Perm’s Airport. The Dunyasha Cyber Cafe project was initiated by the domestic company Promobot in partnership with Robin Hood Robotics. The first cities of this cafe were Perm (a cafe in Gorky Park) and Nizhny Novgorod (a coffee shop at the Ferris wheel). The authors of the project are planning to open 12 more such cafes in Russia.
Dunyasha, unlike real sellers, will not only serve visitors but also will interact with them. The robot will also be able to keep up the conversation, tell a story and even offer to take a photo together.
The idea of creating these robots belongs to the director of the Perm Culture and Recreation Park, Gorky Rashid Gabdulin. The model of Dunyasha’s robot appearance was his wife Diana Gabdullina, the holder of the title Mrs Perm – 2014. Only Russian components were used to make this robot. A single robot’s cost is 10 million rubles. Compared to the previous Droid model, Dunyasha looks much more realistic. However, her appearance is more like a doll because “it is more acceptable to have a relationship with a child,” Gabdulin explained.