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ISRO successfully operated the CE-20 E9 engine at IPRC

Indian Space Research Organisation, ISRO, successfully operated the CE-20 E9 engine at 22t thrust. The engine easily qualified for 20t thrust for 650 seconds yesterday.

ISRO performed a successful experiment at IPRC (ISRO Propulsion Complex) in the mountain of Mahendragiri, Odisha. 

“The engine and the facility performed normally, and the required engine performance parameters were achieved as predicted,” stated ISRO by tweeting and informing the users. 

Look at their tweet here:-

The organization also posted pictures of the launch and we can see it was performed in the CRYO Main Engine and State Test Facility.

Look at the pictures here:-


Everybody in the comments congratulated ISRO for the successful launch and also praised them for performing it on the soil of our homeland.  


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