Climate Change Risk and Responses: Know More

The Global Risk Report has suggested that environmental degradation is one of the highest and most impactful risks for humankind. It is suggested that without a drastic solution, people will witness extreme weather, environmental damage, climate action failure, and livelihood crisis in the next decade. This will further lead to economic failure, rise in infectious diseases, breakdown in information technology, and biodiversity loss. All this put together will have a huge impact on people.
In this article, we will talk about climate change risks and how the different industries have responded to this threat.
How Climate Change Risk Impact Human Life
The effect is not just restricted to a certain geographical area when it comes to climate change and its impact. It is, therefore, the responsibility of every individual to make sure that they do their bit to conserve the ecosystem. It is, however, important to understand the impact of these risks if not mitigated:
- Property Damage: Be it wildfire, flood, tornado, or hurricane, natural calamities majorly impact people’s property and their infrastructure. Agricultural land erodes or gets flooded. In the case of hose, they drown or catches fire which ultimately becomes inhabitable.
- Dangerous Heat Waves: People have already witnessed how with the onset of summer, certain areas are swept with unbearable heat waves. With drastic climate change risk of the occurrence of these waves is high. This will make it impossible for people to go out and work in their fields. The impact will be excessive on miners, construction workers, farmers, and firefighters.
- Rise in Health Issues: Climate change has a direct impact on people’s health conditions. With the deterioration of air, soil, or marine life, people will suffer from several diseases such as asthma, lungs disease, digestion issue, hair fall, diabetes, stroke, and cancer
- Contamination of Drinking Water: One of the biggest impacts of climate change is its effect on natural water. Lakes and springs will dry up due to irregular rainfall. Flooding or area will make drinking water contaminated. Consuming them can cause major health issues such as cholera, diarrhoea, skin infection, and more.
- Increase in Electricity bill: Rise in temperature will make people use electric appliances like coolers and air conditioning to stay cool. However, this can put a lot of loads on the grid leading to blackouts for an extensive period. Usage of the electric appliance will also lead to an increase in the electricity bill which will be expensive on the household economy.
Response of Industries to Curb Climate Change Risks
While industries have played a major role in climate change, several companies have come forward and provided solutions to fight this situation. Some of them are as follows.
Solar Forestation: One of the ideas that have been presented by an industrial support group is Solar Forest. It is an afforestation programmed technology that will use solar energy to grow forests. It will have the balanced usage of water light and temperature to grow trees which would be eco-friendly and answer to the climate change risk.
Civic Learning Through Digital Platform: Some industrialists believe the solution lies in making people aware of the risk. Therefore, the more they get to learn about the risks and solutions to the issue, the easier it would be to curb these situations. They have come up with digital platforms through which people can be educated and given information on what they can do daily to avoid impacting the climate
AgriFin Initiative: Industries have come up with a technology that will help farmers by predicting the climate situation of a particular year in an area. This could be rainfall, locust attack, drought, or any natural calamity that can impact the agriculture sector. This has helped farmers to predict risk and informed them of the measures they can take to fight these threats.