Twitter may give you an another chance to suspended accounts, get to know all about it

Recent time has been about the suspension and giving chance to suspended accounts on social media platforms. This is because of the contrasting workforce at Twitter before Musk and after Musk. If we talk about some of the famous accounts whose suspension has been removed it is Donald Trump and Kangana Ranaut Twitter accounts. If your Twitter account was also suspended because of some uncertain reasons we have a piece of good news for you.
Twitter has started giving one more chance to suspend accounts by making them active again. This news has come to us through a Twitter user name @Abhishek Yadav who wrote” Check your Twitter suspended account Twitter is giving one more chance to suspended accounts”. This was all about the revival of suspended accounts but Twitter has recently issued new criteria for the suspension of accounts.
Twitter will be suspending accounts on users’ appeals based on the social media platforms’ new criteria for reinstatement. This new criterion will be applied from 1 Feb and some of the reports have suggested that this criterion includes severe or ongoing and repeat violations of the platform’s policies. Twitter will be taking less severe steps towards the suspension of the account by thwarting the reach of the post or suggesting deleting the post.