Pakistani Meme ‘Wow Grape’ is always on trend, why?

Pakistani meme wow grape went viral on social media throughout the globe. The meme emerged from the video of an event at Pakistan International School, Jeddah (PISJ). Senator Seher Kamran who was possibly the principal of school back then when she requested children about how they would pledge their loyalty to Pakistan when they would grow up. The full event was uploaded to YouTube on December 22nd, 2016 by Ammar Yasir and then reuploaded on August 24th, 2020
In the video a boy came up and let off a machine gun salvo in support of Pakistan’s military, and in opposition to India. To which Senator Kamran can be heard announcing “strong army, wow” and what sounds like ‘grape’, rather of ‘great’.
The other school kids also talk about developing Pakistan with sentences like, “When I will grow up I will be uh army and save Pakistan and destroy India” , “My Pledge is uh when I grow up I’ll hapl da poor pplby giving them hooms… eh- bheleeb – by giving them homes, “”I will open XBOX educational institutions as possible and…. I proud to be a Pakistani “.
The meme is still hilarious and people can’t stop laughing on it and get over it. The funny pronounciations made by the students and the education system of Pakistan is criticised by social media and made fun of.