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Apple Receives Six New Patents For its New Electromagnetic Shielding Testing Chamber, Windows and GPU Systems

As per the list of products which has received patents under the US Patent and Trademark Office, Apple receives a total of six patents for some of its products which also includes a new electromagnetic shielding testing chamber.

Here’s more about it.

Apple Receives Six New Patents

The first product from Apple which has received the patent from US Patent and Trademark Office is the new electromagnetic shielding testing chamber which will be used to test the performance of the electromagnetically sensitive equipments used in devices like mobile phones, laptops, smart watches or televisions, which makes use of transmitters, transceivers, receivers and antennas to transmit and receive communications wirelessly with the help of electromagnetic waves.

Conventional testing apparatuses has poor temperature control, poor shielding and poor electromagnetic anti-reflective properties and these might all lead to inaccuracy in the test results. However the new electromagnetic shielding testing chamber will be able to block transmission of external electromagnetic waves and will also be able to reduce the reflection of electromagnetic waves inside the testing chamber. The testing chamber also includes a tube which will again help in blocking external electromagnetic waves. The new testing chamber will thus be able to give the best and most accurate test results compared to other conventional testing apparatuses.

The second patent Apple has received is for its Windows which is made by laminating molded sheets of polished float glass together. The windows are made by polishing one side of the sheets of float glass and then molding them together with the help of a molding tool. After the windows are made into the desired shape, the first and second sheets will laminated.

The other four patents Apple has received is for their GPU systems. These four new GPU systems Apple has received patents for, will be able to push Apple’s M-series GPUs for better gaming performance.

You can read more about the Apple patents in the below link.


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