Is Tata COIN owned by the Tata Sons Group?; Read More

A new form of the crypto coin has emerged in the market by the name of TATACOIN. A lot of people have already started buying this coin because its name is associated with India’s top businessman Ratan Tata and his company Tata Sons. However, when we checked there is no correlation between the two.
We also checked the company’s websites to see if this coin is being launched by them. However, there is no such information neither on their social media handles. Also, the company hasn’t shared that this coin belongs to them.
So if someone is trying to sell you this coin by saying that it is owned by the TATA group itself, please beware of it. The official Twitter handle of this coin is On their social media handle, they haven’t stated that they are associated with the tata group in any way. Their bio states A New Era of Finance – Tata Coin aims to make decentralized finance completely secure and to provide the most secure payment system. Also, their website is
SO according to our fact finding team this Coin is not launched by the TATA group.