Why Mars can be our Second Home?

Mars was first discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei. It was a telescopic observation that was made when Mars was located opposite to Sun and was closest to Earth. The idea of life on Mars first originated when the astronomers falsely thought that they have discovered the multiphotonic signature of water in the celestial atmosphere.
From that time onwards, the idea of life on Mars has been creating a lot of interest in the minds of people. Also, there are some people who couldn’t even believe the discovery whereas some do. There are a few reasons why mars can be our second home. The first reason being the soil of Mars has the potential to extract water as water and soil are the biggest natural sources. Healthy soil gives nutrients to the world.
Secondly, Mars has a medium temperature where it is neither too hot nor too cold which is why it is one of the best reasons to consider Mars. The third reason is that it has enough good sunlight to use solar panels to obtain power. Mars gets a good amount of energy as it is situated in the fourth position. The fourth reason being astronomers believe that human beings can adapt to the gravity on Mars as it is 38% of that of Earth. Fifthly, Mars has an atmosphere that can give safety against cosmic and ultraviolet rays. Lastly, Mars is the only planet that lies in the habitual zone other than Earth which makes Mars our second home.