Science Communicator Hank Green gets hyped with a series of tweets regarding the James Webb Space Telescope

American vlogger and Science Communicator named Hank Green has initiated a series of tweets claiming to provide data regarding the most awaited James Webb Space Telescope. He said on Twitter, “As you may have heard The James Webb Space Telescope will be releasing “data from its first five targets” on Tuesday. I’m no astronomer but here’s what I’ve gathered about what that means, and what we’ll see.”
Then he initiated a series of tweets where he claimed to explain details of the images that Webb’s space telescope will provide.
As you may have heard The James Webb Space Telescope will be releasing "data from its first five targets" on Tuesday. I'm no astronomer but here's what I've gathered about what that means, and what we'll see.
— Hank Green (@hankgreen) July 11, 2022
According to the CEO of Complexity Media and DFTBA Records, the companies that produce science-based explanation videos, Mr. Green, “Four of the five sets of data will come in the form of pictures of our universe that will give us both resolution and wavelengths we’ve never seen before. Resolution means, just more pixels per unit of sky. wavelengths means kinds of light that we haven’t been able to see.”
After explaining “four of the five set of data” he explains “the other data set” which will include the spectrum of the atmosphere of WASP-96b, a giant gaseous exoplanet half the size of Jupiter situated approximately 1000 light-years away from Earth.
The other data set will be the spectrum of the atmosphere of WASP-96b, a gas giant about half the size of Jupiter that's around 1000 light years away. Webb promises to be by far our best tool for getting data on the atmospheres of exoplanets, which will be a tremendous win.
— Hank Green (@hankgreen) July 11, 2022
He has also posted “absolutely stunningly beautiful” visuals that we will probably see as four images produced by Webb’s telescope. His pictures included the Southern Ring of Nebula, Carina Nebula, Stephan’s Quintet, and SMACS 0723.
As for the four images…here are our targets. Three of these are going to be absolutely stunningly beautiful visually, the other one is going to be the kind of picture that nestles into your mind and creates a weight that will never leave you.
— Hank Green (@hankgreen) July 11, 2022
After explaining the details of the images he said, “The promise of Webb has always been to see farther away (and thus farther back in time) than we have ever seen, and that’s what this is about. SMACS 0723 is a galaxy cluster so massive that light /bends/ around it. And what is a telescope but a tool for bending light?”
The promise of Webb has always been to see farther away (and thus farther back in time) than we have ever seen, and that's what this is about. SMACS 0723 is a galaxy cluster so massive that light /bends/ around it. And what is a telescope but a tool for bending light?
— Hank Green (@hankgreen) July 11, 2022
After explaining the massive galaxy cluster SMACS 0723’s ability to bend lights around it he appreciated how the James Webb Space Telescope is the world’s best made-made telescope and the retrieved images will help us solve several puzzles of the universe.
So, get hyped. This is one of the coolest things humanity has ever done and the mission is just getting started.
— Hank Green (@hankgreen) July 11, 2022