Top 6 gadgets to have during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a very responsible and sensitive phase that a women chooses to go through. Taking the responsibility to develop a little one inside their belly till they are ready to see the world involves great deal of care to both oneself and the baby. Pregnancy products are available in wide ranges of options. Here we have shortlisted some amazing accessories to facilitate a comfortable living and caretaking during the pregnancy.
Tens Machine: This is a battery operated device whose activity includes sending mild electrical impulses through the body via pads that adhere to the skin. This is a widely known method used to facilitate pain relief. This method can also be used during early labour, to gain relief from back pain.
The sensation that one gains from this device also helps to stay distracted from contractions. This reduces anxiety and will help the user to be in control of their labour.
Reliefband: Reliefband is a device that gently stimulates the underside of the wrist. It is worn like a wrist watch. This band sends signals through our nervous system and to the brain that rebalance our body’s response to feel sick.
With the use of this, a user can avoid morning sickness and nausea. Though morning sickness and nausea are common, dealing with it always feels worse. With the use of a Reliefband, a user can remove the symptoms.
Bellybuds Pregnancy Headphones: Bellybuds from Wavhello is an amazing way to feel a deeper connection with your baby before they are born. Additionally other family members can also bond with the baby before their birth through the use of this device.
Components of this device gently sticks to your bump and using the portable and discreet headphones, you can make your baby listen to music, stories and voice recordings. The baby will be able to hear them from 20 weeks and remember from 30 weeks.
Belly Armor Blanket: The Belly Armor Blanket is a protection shield from radiation emitted by cell phones, laptops and other electronic devices. It is made from soft, organic cotton and RadiaShield fabric. It shields your bump from radiation.
This device is lightweight and generous in size. It is very comfortable to use at home, in the office and while you are out and about throughout your pregnancy. It provides comfort and peace of mind.
Medela Swing Maxi Breast Pump: Medela’s Swing Maxi breast pump is a compact, portable, double breast pump. It’s design facilitates you to pump in comfort with minimal interference to your daily life as possible. The technology of this device mock the natural sucking rhythm of your baby and is easy to operate with a 4-button interface. Additionally it possesses 9 pre-programmed settings.
This device comes in with two different sizes of breast shields so that a user can help themselves with the best fit. It has a soft rim and oval shape that puts less pressure on the milk ducts while yielding more milk than other pumping machines.
Jacket Extender: Your body will undergo various changes during your pregnancy. As exciting it may get to notice these changes, it can also get stressful when your clothes stops fitting because of your expanding baby bump. The Jacket Extender will help you to continue wearing your usual coats throughout your pregnancy and beyond.
This brilliant accessory comes in with a variety of styles, fabrics and colors. It fastens simply to the existing zips of your garments. When the baby arrives, the Jacket Extender can be used to zip up your coat around a baby carrier to keep both you and your baby warm.