Russian Burger King asked Anonymous Hackers to “Calm down and do homework” instead of attacking the websites

An Anonymous hacker group has attacked the Russian Burger king website and applications.
Burger King is an American fast-food company. After imposing sanctions, America’s McDonald’s already closed all 850 shops in Russia but brands like Pepsico, Procter&Gamble, Reckitt Benckiser Group, Unilever and Nestle continued to operate in Russia. When it is asked, Russia explains that these products come under the “essential goods category”
Earlier, These Anonymous hackers threatened Burger King, the subway, Raiffaisen Bank to cut off all dealings with Russia and asked to leave the country within 48 hours if not they would attack these brands’ websites and applications.
Since these brands have not taken their threat serious, Hackers have attacked the Burger King Website. After continuous attacks, The Representatives of fast food published a note on Vkontakte that reads, ” Dear Onanists! We are not Politicians if BC Russia goes to bed, it is unlikely that anyone will get better. If you really wanted to put salt in our wound, You should figure out how to return Mack to Russia. Unfortunately, you can’t do that. So please calm down and go do your homework.”