HDFC Mid-Cap Opportunities Fund sold all Paytm shares

As per the monthly portfolio record, HDFC Mutual Fund’s Mid-Cap Opportunities Fund has traded off its ownership in Paytm One97 proposed on 31st December. Additional strategy from the reserve cabin, HDFC Balanced Advantage Fund, has garnished its susceptibility to Paytm by almost 91%.
Dual additional proposals, HDFC Large And Mid-Cap budget and HDFC Banking And Financial Services Fund, proceed to clasp the similar quantity of Paytm stakes as they carried in November.
HDFC MF was among numerous commentator investors, encompassing additional mutual budgets, that purchased Paytm stakes while thre IPO in November. 4 fund cabins had invested financed almost Rs. 1,050 Crore in Paytm One97 IPO as a newscaster investor via 18 MF procedures.
In 2010, The Paytm IPO was the hugest from Coal India’s IPO. Nonetheless, it did not perform as well as anticipated originally. Paytm, India’s enormous IPO with an extent of Rs 18,300 crore, got recorded on the bourses at 9% deduction to its bid rate and the stake touched the deeper course on its market debut day.
It shut at a rate of Rs 1,560 which is less than the bid price in November, the day it documented on the share market. Ahead accordingly, the capital rate is on a down curl. The stake was below today by 3.77% and marketing at an all-time deep of Rs 1,185.0