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A video of an erupting volcano captured from space surfaces on Twitter

While most of the people living on planet Earth wonder whether it is possible to spot a volcano from space and the outer world. Well, the clear answer is yes. A tweet on Twitter recently shared a video of a volcanic eruption captured in the lens from space. It is astonishing, isn’t it? The credit for capturing this video goes to the team of the NASA Johnson Space Center. It is located in Houston, Texas in the United States of America and its team in space is doing an incredible job of sending these videos for humans to view on Earth.

Tien Nguyen who is the Chief Engineer at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory also posted an image of the same on LinkedIn. He is a JPL fellow with NASA for the past 37 years. He has mentioned that it is the volcanic eruption of Sarychev Volcano as captured from the International Space Station.

Sarychev volcano is one of the most active volcanoes. It is situated in the Kuril Islands chain between Kamchatka as well as Japan. It is located on Matua Island in the central part of the Kuriles. The volcano has erupted a couple of times earlier as well. The eruption is often explosive and the Sarychev volcano emits sulfur dioxide.

While most social media users commented that this was exciting whereas some made memes of the same. Some users also added that it might be due to global warming or other issues faced by planet Earth in recent times.


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