OnePlus Ace Pro Genshin Impact edition customised design and additional goodies is just to blow your mind

Here we are going to Talk about something that happens once in a blue moon. You might have come across limited editions of cars, bikes, and various other phones but phones are something new. Limited edition in phones is a unique idea indeed and OnePlus has come up with the same. The OnePlus Ace Pro Genshin Impact edition has been launched in China.
It is a limited edition version of the regular OnePlus Ace Pro that was launched in August. Basically OnePlus Ace Pro is not unique in itself is also a rebranded version of the OnePlus 10T. If you don’t know about the Genshin Impact, it is an action role-playing game. This phone comes with a customized design that you can change as per your mind and a box full of goodies. This box reflects the city wall at the Liyue port which is a part of the game.
The box has walnut stickers, walnut painting limited posters, a letter to travelers, a sim ejector, a butterfly sit charging adapter and a protective shell. There is something unique about this phone and that is its third-generation silk glass technology and an integrated design that is claimed to be made after 130 processes and 25 days. Other than this, all the features of the phone are the same as they used to be.