Government to refresh Laws before rolling out 5G
Prior to the launch of 5G, the government plans to simplify and update the archaic laws. These laws govern telecom services in India. For instance, communication between connected devices to spur growth in the digital economy.
Anshu Prash the secretary of the Department of Telecommunication said, “We have engaged the National Law University (NLU), Delhi, to study the Acts and suggest changes and amendments that are necessary due to the passage of time and the advent of new technologies,”
Among others, NLU will primarily work out the contours of draft legislation that will include machine-to-machine (M2M) communication and the internet of things which are key elements of 5G technology.
They have been given four months to prepare the draft. Then they will have to consult with various stakeholders, following which it will provide suggestions to the telecom department.
“The mandate will include easy regulation, promoting innovation and proliferation of technologies, decriminalization of actions considered to be offences. Most importantly, the new legislation will require provisions that relate to M2M communication and IoT”.
“The current legislation regulates the interface of persons with each other and with machines. However, for interfaces between a machine and machine, there are gaps,” he added.